News from the Valley: UCSF Fresno Education Symposium

UCSF Fresno Campus
UCSF Fresno celebrated our 4th annual UCSF Fresno Education Symposium and this year's keynote speaker was the AME’s Anda Kuo, MD. Dr. Kuo is currently the Co-Lead of the UCSF Child Health Equity Institute and the Founding Director of the UCSF Pediatric Leadership for the Underserved (PLUS Residency Program). She is also the co-founder of a statewide advocacy collaborative consisting of 14 pediatric residency training programs to improve child health within the state of California. Given her interests and expertise, she was the perfect person to address our faculty and learners about the importance of educating future physicians to address the root causes of poor health. After spending our morning taking a deep dive into Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, as part of the AME’s annual site visit, we then spent our afternoon discussing this topic further as we looked at ways to integrate social medicine, community partnerships, and physician advocacy and leadership into our health professional training programs.
Immediately following Anda’s engaging talk, we had a panel discussion on how Community-Engaged Medical Education is already being carried out in our medical community. Included in the panel was our fellow UCSF Fresno AME member Ivan Gomez, MD and two of our San Joaquin Valley Prime 3rd year medical students, Tyler Carcamo and Enid Picart.