We know that Advancement and Promotion can be a source of anxiety for many faculty. We also know that all of our faculty are extremely talented, so do not need to worry. We have several resources below, including the Faculty Handbook (created by the UCSF Academic Senate) and a great video!
We also want to emphasize that we conduct a holistic review for all candidates. We also know that there are—at times—extenuating circumstances that may have impacted productivity. For example, faculty can be encouraged to highlight any impacts of ongoing staffing and budgetary issues or personal/family issues that have limited their productivity. We encourage all faculty to complete a Personal Statement and to work with their Department Chair to ensure that their packet includes the relevant information for reviewing bodies to accurately assess their achievements relative to their opportunities.
In terms of process, a UCSF Academic Affairs Specialist prepares faculty packets about a year and a half before the next action (e.g., promotion, merit). Faculty should expect to receive information about preparing their packet around April, the year before an action’s effective date (e.g., if promotion is effective July 2030, an Academic Affairs Specialist will send the packet to faculty in April 2029, though this may vary by Department). There are also guidelines on how to prepare your packet. Please go to the UCSF’s “Find My HR Rep” site to find your Academic Generalist who can answer any questions you might have. In addition, each Department has faculty leaders who can help answer questions, and many have guidelines regarding promotion (see below).
- Promotion Committee Chairs & Mentorship Facilitators (by Department)
- Specific Departmental On-line Guidelines (Box link)
HSC faculty promotion
Many HSC faculty are particularly concerned about promotion. However, the concern about being denied promotion by the SOM Dean’s Office is unfounded given that it has been extremely rare to date (<1%). The APM is clear that Health Sciences Clinical Professor series faculty engage in scholarly or creative activities which derive from and support their primary responsibilities in clinical teaching and professional and service activities. No SOM faculty have been denied on-time advancement for lack of creative work since the specific requirement was added to the APM. In sum, the overwhelming majority of HSC faculty are doing incredible work to serve our patients and teach the next generation—thank you!
Below are the expectations we have for promotion:
- Strong teaching or mentoring evaluations/letters across multiple sources
- Broadly defined creative activities (e.g., clinical leadership, QI, educational innovations, APEX mentorship, CME leadership, organizing trainee teaching activities)
- Some evidence of service (e.g., committee service)
- Faculty Handbook
- VPAA Office Advancement & Promotion Criteria
- UCSF SOM Advancement and Promotion Whiteboard Video
- Academic Senate's PMAP module on advancement and promotion
- Criteria for Advancement [pdf]
- Criteria for Accelerated Advancement [pdf]
- Information about "Special Steps" [pdf]
- Educator's Portfolio
- Access to Records
- Special Programs (2113 and 2168)
Our office is responsible for:
- Reviewing academic recruitment plans for faculty and non-faculty academics
- Reviewing appointment, advancement and appraisal packets
- Advising faculty and departmental leaders on issues related to appointment and advancement