Dr. Aye Khine, Dr. Diana Funk, Dr. Melinda Schneider, Dr. Petria Thompson, Dr. John Andrews, and Dr. Elsy Compres.
Clockwise from top: Andrew Rosenblatt; Diana Funk, MD, MBA; Chandler Mayfield; Alex Silva; and Christy Boscardin, PhD.
Medical Students Mitchell Koss, Aude Bouagnon and Kaitlyn Hsu in conversation at the 2024 UCSF School of Medicine Clinical Microsystems Clerkship Health Systems Improvement Symposium
The class of 2028 reads from the Physician's Declaration at this year's White Coat ceremony
Members of the UCSF School of Medicine Class of 2024
SOM News
UCSF medical students holding signs sharing where they matched for residency
Madeline Yung, MD and Neeti Parikh, MD outside the Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Members of the UCSF School of Medicine Class of 2027 recite the UCSF Physicians Declaration during the 2023 White Coat Ceremony