Welcome to the UCSF School of Medicine’s Office of Faculty & Academic Affairs! This office provides guidance to the Dean, department chairs, faculty, and staff on academic policy and other matters related to faculty. Our key constituents are our outstanding, diverse, and talented UCSF faculty and all of the SOM’s Chairs and Directors. Our key campus partner is the Vice Provost of Academic Affairs. We strive to help faculty thrive at UCSF so they want to spend their whole career here! We are here for our faculty, so never hesitate to reach out! We also highly recommend the UCSF Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Office website.

Advancement and Promotion

Faculty Compensation and Outside Professional Activities

Faculty Development and Awards

Professionalism and Interpersonal Challenges

Other Faculty Benefits

Medical Staff Physician (MSP)

Our Team

The Office consists of the Vice Dean, two Associate Deans, the Senior Director, the Assistant Director, and the Executive Analyst. The Vice Dean reports directly to the Dean. **To schedule an in-person or virtual meeting with the Vice or Associate Deans or Senior Director, please contact Oriol Zales at 415-476-1977 or [email protected].

Faculty Resources
Staff Physician Resources
SOM Health Sciences Compensation Plan
More Resources