Our goal is to increase the personal competencies of all our professionals in teaching, leading and managing a diverse community and to increase the diversity of our faculty, residents and professional staff.
We invite any member of the UCSF community who is interested in improving resident, faculty and staff diversity to join our group of volunteers to help address diversity throughout UCSF. There are opportunities to work on efforts involving faculty/resident recruitment, resident retention, staff development and retention, resident mentorship and curriculum, and building an inclusive learning environment.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training:
Full day training program designed to increase awareness and skills for clinical teachers so that they can address bias and discrimination when and where it happens.

Residency Recruitment Initiatives:
10 Tips on Holistic Review for UCSF Graduate Medical Education
UCSF Graduate Medical Education: Proposed Definition of Underrepresented in Medicine
Dean’s Diversity Leaders:
Eddie Cruz, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Michelle Guy, MD
Professor, Medicine
Diana Kim
Division Manager, Medicine
Peggy Weix
Division Manager, Pediatrics