UCSF Fresno Expands Medical Student Training, Celebrates Successful Match
April 12, 2018 | By
While residency training is core to UCSF Fresno’s educational focus, each year, we currently train more than 300 third- and fourth-year medical students, including those in the UC San Joaquin Valley Program in Medical Education (SJV PRIME) on a rotating basis. We are preparing now to expand medical student training at UCSF Fresno.
On March 16, five medical students in the SJV PRIME opened their Match Day envelopes at UCSF Fresno. Congressman Jim Costa and Assembly member Joaquin Arambula joined the celebration.
Match Day is held every year in March and is the time when medical students across the U.S. learn where they will spend the next several years conducting residency training before practicing on their own.