Four UCSF School of Medicine Faculty Elected to the National Academy of Medicine for 2021

Drs. Albert, Hsia, Mucke, and Ovbiagele.
The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) recently announced its newly elected members, and we are delighted to let you know that four prominent UCSF School of Medicine faculty were named:
- Michelle Asha Albert, MD, MPH, professor, Walter A. Haas-Lucie Stern Endowed Chair in Cardiology, admissions dean, University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine, and director, CeNter for the StUdy of AdveRsiTy and CardiovascUlaR DiseasE (NURTURE Center)
- Renee Yuen-Jan Hsia, MD, MSc, professor of emergency medicine and health policy, and associate chair of health services research, department of emergency medicine
- Lennart Mucke, MD, director, Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease, Gladstone Institutes, and Joseph B. Martin Distinguished Professor of Neuroscience, department of neurology
- Bruce Ovbiagele, MD, MSc, MAS, MBA, MLS, professor of neurology and associate dean and chief of staff, San Francisco Veterans Affairs Health Care System
This election raises the UCSF representation in the NAM to a total of 118 members.
The National Academy of Medicine strives to improve health for all by advancing science, accelerating health equity, and providing independent, authoritative, and trusted advice nationally and globally. New members are elected by current members through a process that recognizes individuals who have made major contributions to the advancement of the medical sciences, health care, and public health.
We are proud of our faculty who volunteer their time as NAM members to promote scientific knowledge in the service of a better future for all.
Read more about the new members and please join us in congratulating Drs. Albert, Hsia, Mucke, and Ovbiagele for this well-deserved honor.